Monday, January 27, 2014

Make Your Signs Shine

Has your business been in a rut lately? Has business been lackluster? That may be because your open sign and other signs you have do not shine as brightly as before. Do not, in any way, underestimate the power of these signs. No matter how small or seemingly inconsequential they are, an effective sign can catch the attention of a passerby, who can eventually become a 1st time, or if fortune goes in your favor, a loyal customer!

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So, take a look at your signs and try to follow these tips to make your signages more effective. Who knows, all it takes may be some dusting or a few coats of fresh paint to keep new customers coming!

Refresh your curbside signs.

Refreshing your curbside signs should be something that you do at least once a year. Your signage is exposed to the elements all day and night so it does fade over and get worn over time. It is a must that you do refresh it so that it would always look new. The way the open sign on your establishment looks reflects a lot a lot about the establishment that it represents. So if you want to give your customers the impression of a new establishment, then it is time to suit the sign up.

Create a focal point.

Whether it is the logo, your open sign, or your hanging store sign, your establishment should have a focal point. Make sure that it is visible as this will be your brand that will make people think of your store right away. There are companies that do a good job of making one, so check them out if you still do not have a logo or a . If you don’t have one yet, then make sure that your sign is visible.

Renew your company’s image.

Having a brand overhaul is one way to renew your company’s image and one strategy is to have a logo made especially for the company. A logo should be something that would reflect what your establishment stands for. It can be the company’s initials or some images that reflects the products or services that you have to offer. This is important to establish the company’s brand to the customers whom you would want to make regulars to the establishment.

Find out what your customers love about your company and incorporate that into your signs.

As said earlier, the logo that you can put in your signage can be something that represents or reflect the things that your company stands for. Having these items included in the logo would definitely make your customers associate it with your company. This association is important when it comes to product branding and awareness in this time and age.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Starting New Business in 2014? Here Are Mistakes You Should Avoid

If you think 2014 is your lucky year, starting up a business may be great idea. Though it’s not an easy feat, turning your passion into a source of income is definitely conceivable. Getting your hands in the business industry will surely open different possibilities and will present different challenges along the way.

Despite the hassle that you may experience, from the planning to implementation of your business ideas, it should not stop you from fulfilling your dreams. As long as you know the rules of the industry and have the right people to help you accomplish your goals, you can start and operate your business in no time.

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To guide you in your decisions as you start your business, here are some common errors that you must veer away from to save yourself from major business catastrophe.

1. Not having a plan

There are some ideas that sprout from a drinking session with friends, or out of your desire to have a career shift. But not having a clear forecast of your financial expenditures, target market, competition as well as start-up marketing plan can make things more difficult for first time entrepreneurs.

2. Relying solely on yourself

There will be a lot of things that need to be done as you start your business that it can be a little overwhelming at times. Make sure to hire some help when installing shelves or decorating your store. If you’re using electronic open sign and other digital display in your store, trust a professional to install it for you to save yourself from extra work.

3. Expecting immediate profit

Patience and perseverance – these two are what you need most in the first few months of your venture. Yes it’s exciting to finally see money coming on your way but expecting for immediate profit is another story. Consider the first stage of your business as the planting season where you must work hard to enjoy a fruitful harvest in the years to come.

4. Getting Loans from Family and Friends

It’s a lot easier to borrow money from your family members or even from your closest friends, but this can also mean risking your relationship with them when financial problems hit your business. If you’re planning to invest in things that require bigger budget, like a LED powered open sign or indoor digital display in your store, getting loans from banks or other institutions is a better idea.

5. Trusting Verbal Agreements

The early days of your business are great opportunities to establish ethics and practices that will guide you throughout your venture. When transacting business with suppliers and manufacturers, it’s best to keep things in black and white for your security and peace of mind. Always keep a good transaction record to gain more authority and credibility in the future.

Building a good foundation means doing the right practices at the early stages of your business. Discover new possibilities and make 2014 a year to remember.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Types of Exterior Signs to Use in Your Business

Everyone in the business industry wants their business to get noticed. This is why small to medium entrepreneurs even invest a great deal of time and resources to catch the attention of their prospective client in the most effective and cost-efficient way.

The steep competition, especially in business district areas, requires owners to equip themselves with different marketing tools that can help them build better brand popularity and awareness. One of the most popular marketing tools nowadays for small businesses is a business sign that can be installed outside your store.

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Here are different types of exterior business sign to help boost your sales.

Pylon Sign

If your business is located along the highway or near an expressway, having a pylon sign helps your business become more visible from a distance. Hotels, gas stations, restaurants or shopping complex can take advantage of pylon sign to attract more customers or build stronger brand recall. Bigger companies use LED powered digital display or billboards to present image or short video advertisement that presents the different products or services they offer.

Window Signs

Draw the attention of the customers passing by your store with window sign or window graphics. Use bright and affordable LED open sign or store hour sign to make them aware of the right time to visit your store. Help people identify your business against other competitors by making your window sign clear and readable even from longer distances. This way, it can reach wider audience and drive more foot traffic especially during special occasions and Holidays.

Sidewalk Signs

Restaurants and café often use sidewalk sign to promote daily specials and happy hour promo. Choose from chalkboard, whiteboard surface or writable LED sign to present short but effective message for your business. This kind of marketing tool is efficient in keeping your messages fresh and updated to go with your day to day marketing programs.

Wall signs

Introduce your business by using wall mounted sign that contains basic information about your business including phone numbers, location of other branches and social media address. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes that can fit the demands of your business. To make things more visually appealing, make sure to match the designs of your wall signs to your open sign.

Remember to put into consideration the type of business you have as well as your business goals to ensure the effectiveness of your signs. Each type of signage works well in some application but may not be as effective for others. Search online and read some product reviews to make sure that you are getting the right set of kind of business sign for your establishment.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Business Signs That You Need To Improve Sales

Clearly communicating your message is a vital factor in providing quality service to your customers. Whether you own a big company or a start up enterprise, it’s important to put business signs that can inform or guide the people in navigating inside your store.

Getting the right signage for your establishment depends on the type of product or service you are providing or the target market of your business. It is essential that the type of business signs you use is compatible with the need and the interest of your chosen audience so you can deliver a message that will be easier for them to understand.

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The signage scattered around your store, as well as the message it contains, is most likely to stick with your costumers even after they step out of your door. Here are different types of business signs and how you can use it to your advantage.

Exterior Signs

This will be the most prominent sign in your sign program and definitely one that will be more noticeable by your customers. Exterior sign includes a LED open sign on your window display or a big scrolling or blinking sign mounted off the ground. A large exterior sign that can be read from a long distance can attract the attention of the pedestrians, motorists as well as commuters everyday.

Directional Signs

As people shop inside your store, they expect to see signs that can easily give them an idea where a product is located, where to pay for their items or where to go in case they need to return a product or have it replaced. Assigning a specific area inside your store for different function is important to keep the flow and foot traffic in your store smoother. This can also use to restrict special areas in your store that is exclusive for your staffs like stockrooms, break rooms and janitor closet.

Door Signs

Greet your store visitors with a catchy door sign that are easily read, brightly colored and welcoming to your costumers. Door signs vary from digital printed graphics, hand painting or vinyl banners. Some medium to large enterprise also use electronic open sign or LED store hour sign to make their store more attractive.

Regulatory Signs

This type of business sign is the one that is mandated by the local government or required in medium to large sized establishment. This includes exit signs, stairwell signs, evacuation maps, as well as accessibility map for handicapped. Including these signs in your business sign program will make your store safer and more functional for your customers. Instead of just using the default regulatory signs, which can tend to be boring sometimes, creating a custom sign is a great way to stir up excitement when it comes to your signage.