Monday, January 27, 2014

Make Your Signs Shine

Has your business been in a rut lately? Has business been lackluster? That may be because your open sign and other signs you have do not shine as brightly as before. Do not, in any way, underestimate the power of these signs. No matter how small or seemingly inconsequential they are, an effective sign can catch the attention of a passerby, who can eventually become a 1st time, or if fortune goes in your favor, a loyal customer!

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So, take a look at your signs and try to follow these tips to make your signages more effective. Who knows, all it takes may be some dusting or a few coats of fresh paint to keep new customers coming!

Refresh your curbside signs.

Refreshing your curbside signs should be something that you do at least once a year. Your signage is exposed to the elements all day and night so it does fade over and get worn over time. It is a must that you do refresh it so that it would always look new. The way the open sign on your establishment looks reflects a lot a lot about the establishment that it represents. So if you want to give your customers the impression of a new establishment, then it is time to suit the sign up.

Create a focal point.

Whether it is the logo, your open sign, or your hanging store sign, your establishment should have a focal point. Make sure that it is visible as this will be your brand that will make people think of your store right away. There are companies that do a good job of making one, so check them out if you still do not have a logo or a . If you don’t have one yet, then make sure that your sign is visible.

Renew your company’s image.

Having a brand overhaul is one way to renew your company’s image and one strategy is to have a logo made especially for the company. A logo should be something that would reflect what your establishment stands for. It can be the company’s initials or some images that reflects the products or services that you have to offer. This is important to establish the company’s brand to the customers whom you would want to make regulars to the establishment.

Find out what your customers love about your company and incorporate that into your signs.

As said earlier, the logo that you can put in your signage can be something that represents or reflect the things that your company stands for. Having these items included in the logo would definitely make your customers associate it with your company. This association is important when it comes to product branding and awareness in this time and age.

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